Imagine Justice Project is a collaborative Pierce County effort to strengthen youth development and advance equitable, community-centered justice systems
Young people often come into contact with the criminal justice system as a result of normal adolescent behavior, such as taking risks and pushing boundaries. Due to institutional racism and implicit bias, this happens more often for Black and Brown youth through the over-policing of communities of color, racial profiling and disproportionate minority sentencing. The isolation and stigma surrounding criminal justice system involvement create additional barriers preventing youth and young adults from achieving their full potential.
Protective factors, such as participation in positive youth development programs and connection to caring adults, can create safe and supportive environments for youth that prevent and reduce contact with the criminal justice system.

Imagine Justice Project (IJP) connects and uplifts community-driven efforts to build safe and just futures for youth. Our vision for Pierce County is a vibrant, interwoven system of support that ensures all young people, especially those most vulnerable, are connected to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.
Programs / Services / Initiatives
The Imagine Justice AmeriCorps team is a career pathway for individuals who share the identities and experiences of court-connected youth to serve as community leaders in youth development and juvenile justice system transformation. These emerging community leaders provide critical support to youth in Pierce County through service at partner organizations.
The Youth-Serving Agencies Network (YSAN) formed in 2018 as systems change initiative for juvenile justice. It builds coordination and collaboration across organizations to maximize our shared impact on court-connected youth and the larger community. We do this by cultivating a peer learning community, strengthening relationships, and leveraging resources.
IJP is a leading partner in the Peace Point initiative. Peace Point has developed a strategic plan for the Pierce County community to reduce youth violence. This strategic plan is driven by community-based research on the root causes of youth violence as well as the lived experience of youth and community members who are most impacted by violence. Peace Point aims to shift the way our community understands, responds to, and funds youth violence work.